Why So Blue?Walking down the street, you keep a weather eye out for any troublemakers.
You live in a quiet, small town, so you hardly ever have any trouble at all.
The most you have ever had to deal with was when an old lady asked id you would please arrest her, since she had always thought it would be fun to ride in the back of a police car!
She was so sweet that you couldn’t turn her down.As it turns out, this was to be another long day with nothing to do.
Ah well, peaceful little towns are the best gigs anyway.
Besides, no matter what happens, at least you get to wear the badge and the uniform!Product DetailsBeing one of the men and women in blue is not as easy as that all the time, but it is easy to represent the force in this Women's Lieutenant Ivana Misbehave Costume.
The included jumpsuit, hat, cuffs, and radio have all the details that you are looking for in a police costume.
From head to toe, you will look and feel like the greatest officer in the world.
The plastic cuffs have a lever release, so you can have fun arresting more than hearts in this costume.
The plastic radio does not work, though it is still quite fun!
Just make sure you prepare some great one liners before you head out in this cool costume.Policing PolitelyIf you are looking for the perfect costume for any occasion, then look no further!
There is nothing better than this Women's Lieutenant Ivana Misbehave Costume for winning costume contests, since who will arrest you for stealing the show?

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